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Chocolate Bouquet - Bee Well

A Striking Yellow and black bouquet, ready to buzz into service with enough fresh flowers to make anyone perk up. A unique get well flowers with a with Yellow Roses and chocolate sweetness to cure for what ails them 


Deliver hours are between 12pm – 6pm.
Please read our TnC before purchasing.

Chocolate Bouquet - Bee Well

  • Delivery applies for order within Kuala Lumpur & Petaling Jaya only. Same day delivery are only applicable for orders before 12pm on the same day. For outstation orders made within Malaysia, deliveries are made for working days only, one day in advance. 


    Like the design but want a little more out of it? contact Buds & Blooms or whatsapp us at +6011 - 2154 1769 or to make and reserve a special customisation of your choice.

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Buds N Blooms

Lot G4-A Ground floor,Hartamas Shoping Centre,

Desa Sri Hartamas 1.50480

Phone  : +603 6211 5716

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